Surah waqiah text

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Uthman radhi Allahu anhu: may I send some gift from the Baitul Maal, the government stock? Translation of Surah Al-Waqi'ah - NobleQuran. The chapter's position in the Quran, which is not determined by the revelation order, is as the 56th chapter, right after which discuses partly related topic.

And the flesh of fowls that they desire. Such wine causes neither met nor intoxication. So my request to you read quran with purity and come into the shade of Islam. In the Gardens of delight Paradise. The is the main topic discussed in the chapter. I request all brothers and sisters please read Surah al Waqiah on every Thursday glad which have many benefit one is which help to over come poverty and increase your income.

In fierce hot wind and boiling water, 43. Share: Tapping on the Share tab, opens a window where you can select the medium of sharing this Surah with your friends or relatives.

Surah Al-Waqiah-Text Arab Dan Terjemahan-Fadihal Dan Keutamaan - The blessed Verse 27 makes mention of their exalted state saying that the people of the Right Hand are so fortunate.

Keep on Ahsan Sahb. Improvement is always possible but it requires full concentration, time and deep thinking. I personally benefited from your this effort, in understanding the meanings of every Arabic word as I studied only first seven Paras of Quran with Urdu meaning from teacher in the early age. But with the special kindness of Allah, now I can understand maximum verses with their words and implied meaning as well as their TAFSEER. Not to be ignored in your prayers. Muhammad Tariq Khan Swati. Thank you for doing so. The words meaning becomes clear and helps in understanding of Quran. The colour code helps to learn the word meaning quickly and motivates to apply the learnt meaning in new passage and thus helps in learning of Quran. The present system of 12 appearing on the left hand side of the page gives indication as if it is page 12 and with great difficulty the next page was arrived at to read the whole Sura. There were comments of some readers who thought that the Sura was incomplete. I hope the recommendations will be implemented. With best regards and with Dua for the good work you have done Nasir Waheed I really like this website because of its method of using two colours even in translation it really helps in understanding and fast memorizing then.